The schemers, the naive, the fearful – and the harlots

 Andrew L. Urban

It was late Sunday morning, March 23, 2025 when Kathrine posted her question in the reader comments at the end of Bjorn Lomborg’s article, “United Nations ‘propaganda’ on climate costing the world trillions” in the Weekend Australian.

“What is the ultimate agenda of the Climate Change brigade when in the face of the cost benefit analysis they still insist on their course. Can anyone throw light on this?”

Well asked; that is indeed the question, Katherine.

Perhaps we should try to answer it. That insistent “Climate Change brigade” is made up of different elements, and the most insistent and most destructive, is made up of so called leaders and politicians, such as our own Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen. Note how climate change takes the lead position in his title, which reflects the Labor party’s priorities.

On the world stage, unrivalled loudmouth on the topic is the UN boss, Antonio ‘boiling earth’ Guterres. This old socialist posed for Time magazine’s June 24, 2019, cover ‘Our Sinking Planet’, up to his knees in studio water (an appropriately fake rising sea) wearing a suit and tie. (Did he bill the UN for the ruined suit? Time magazine?)

There are many others, of course, including ‘nero’ (net zero) academics who do not have direct access to power but do act as influencers in the wild. They, too, belong to the political activists whose ultimate agenda is nothing to do with climate change but with political change. That is, to damage western market capitalism and usher in a form of Marxism* as part of globalist policies.

Back on November 14, 2010, Ottmar Edenhofer, then co-chair of IPCC Working Group III, is quoted by the Neue Zuricher Zeitung, saying:

“Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”

Mind you, we don’t need the IPCC’s admission. The outcomes already seen and felt of climate change policies offer compelling evidence that ‘climate change’ is a political weapon made up of unproven theories about global warming and the ever-popular tactic of fearmongering. Australia is an excellent exampler of energy sapping, cost escalating climate change policies, running wild. Ask a farmer whose land is in the way of wind turbine attacks or solar panels swamping fields.

The beneficiary of spreading these instruments of renewable gathering is China. The permanent smirk on the face of its president is not a birth defect; it’s the eternal sunshine of the climate change swindle mind.

I won’t labour the point; you get the idea Katherine.

There are two other cohorts who march for climate change. The most obvious one is the naive and the ignorant, who are swayed not so much by “the science” but by their peers. Like herd animals, they follow the crowd, regardless of the destination – which floats in an oasis of visions formed by agitators.

So let’s look at the agitators. These creatures tend to be ready for demonstrating against …well, anything and anyone who is given the crown of thorns to designate it/them as manifestations of modern, western, white, evil. Their understanding of climate change is limited to the mantra of a “consensus” of scientists. They lead vulnerable children into the street, they browbeat ‘deniers’ and provide cannon fodder for the first cohort, described above.

They also serve the consequential goal of perpetrators of climate alarmism: division within society. Climate alarmism is the deliberate attempt to drive a wedge between those who reason (the scientific method) and those who are drawn into hysteria.

The third group of believers could be identified as naive, impressionable and largely living in fear. Fear of anything. Of everything. They joined the absence of marchers in the street against Covid lockdowns and laid down with the lambs.

This is ‘the masses’ who will one day awake to barren fields sprouting wind turbines. And the climate will be much the same as it is today. As will those who feared a climate catastrophe over 30 years ago, mistaking propaganda (see Lomborg’s article) for fact.

But there is one more cohort of climate change promoters: the morally crippled workers in climate related sciences, who shower in grant money to keep the lie alive. They are the harlots of the scientific community.

*As an aside…Marxism is as outdated as a present day Noah’s Ark would be; a response to circumstances that no longer exist.

Andrew L. Urban is the author of Climate Alarm Reality Check (Wilkinson Publishing)

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