Category Archives: Democracy And Terrorism

Are Palestinians destined for eternal misery?

Andrew L. Urban It was a sad, depressing sight; a Gazan man was leading a donkey-drawn cart along a dusty, broken Gazan street, his son and furniture piled high. The image was short lived in the news report, but we … Continue reading

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Terrorism to heroism – the Hamas trajectory

Andrew L. Urban How long before a gun toting, slogan chanting Hamas fighter (but not a female) is invited to address the UN General Assembly? The European Parliament? A Nobel Prize of some kind not far behind. A knighthood even? … Continue reading

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It’s foreign to Australia all right!

Andrew L. Urban.  Foreign Minister Penny Wong spearheads the Labor government’s antisemitic tilt by ordering Australia to vote against Israel’s interests at the UN, supporting a motion to consider establishing a Palestinian state. That’s an attitude foreign to Australia, all … Continue reading

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Gaza’s ‘innocents’ back Hamas carnage

Andrew L. Urban As Israel movies in on the last of the Hamas terrorists embedded among the unarmed permanent and temporary residents in Rafah, the US and its echo in Australia, are demanding that Israel hold off. That Israel not … Continue reading

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Arrest that man

Andrew L. Urban That young woman, a student at some US college, screaming and banging a metal pot on a metal barricade reminded me of me at age three, screaming and banging on the door of the bathroom where my … Continue reading

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How Penny turned into a farthing

Wong is wrong, writes MICHAEL GREEN, embarrassing Australia and diminishing herself.  In Senator Penny Wong’s speech to the ANU National Security College “Securing our Future”, on  9 April 2024, after acknowledging very important persons, Wong moves on to the now … Continue reading

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The new atrocity against Israel

Andrew L. Urban The second worst atrocity after the barbaric October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israeli citizens is being perpetrated by those who, like Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, express “grave concerns” about Israel’s pending offensive against Hamas … Continue reading

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How the Gaza Ministry of Health fakes casualty numbers

The evidence is in their own poorly fabricated figures, writes ABRAHAM WYNER, Professor of Statistics and Data Science at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Tablet, March 7, 2024). Israel estimates that at least 12,000 fighters have been … Continue reading

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Hamas not held to account – Israel is. Que?

Andrew L. Urban If you want absolute proof that the west is built on Judeo-Christian principles, the unconditional absolving of Hamas, after its assault on Israel, from all care and responsibility towards its own population is a pretty strong start. … Continue reading

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Is Hamas the company Australia wants to keep?

Andrew L. Urban Like individuals, nation states are judged by the company they keep. Friends of the hate-driven Iranian regime such as Russia and North Korea, for example, are held in contempt. Friends of terrorist groups likewise. Now Australia’s leadership … Continue reading

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