Category Archives: Quotidian

Mainstream media’s three big failures that haunt the West

Andrew L. Urban So Joe Biden identifies as a black woman? In his first radio interview in the wake of his disastrous June 27, 2024, debate performance, on July 5, 2024, Joe Biden proclaimed he was “proud” to be the … Continue reading

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Serves you right, Democrats

Andrew L. Urban Today’s Democrats are too stupid to be trusted with the powers of the Presidency.  The dumb bell started ringing with Democrat-adjacent MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow; as soon as the US Supreme Court 6:3 decision outlining Presidential immunity … Continue reading

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A doom foretold

Andrew L. Urban  The die was cast in the dodgyfication of the 2020 election, and as I anticipated back in November 2023, the shoehorning of Joe Biden into the White House is a chicken now coming home to roost.  In … Continue reading

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The sins of current affairs shows

Andrew L. Urban  I’m talking to the TV screen. To be accurate, I’m swearing at the show. Sometimes I even switch off or switch channels to stop the irritation. And I’m usually pretty calm. But my response isn’t prompted by … Continue reading

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The Resolute desk needs a resolute occupant

Andrew L. Urban Like others perhaps, I used to think that the ‘Resolute desk’ in the Oval Office of the White House was named to inspire the occupant to be ‘resolute’. A pleasing idea. If only … instead, it is … Continue reading

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Moral disarmament of the West by woke

In a crowded function room in the Sydney CBD, British writer, author & commentator, BRENDAN O’NEILL, described the unfunny side of woke as an attack on Western society: its moral disarmament. He was here as a guest of the Centre … Continue reading

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Truth Telling , circular arguments and colonialism

Andrew L. Urban Just when you thought Australians had voted firmly against the voice and its entire grievance baggage, Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney says she is in active discussions with cabinet to develop a model for a ‘Truth-Telling’ process, … Continue reading

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Election rigging fits Democrats’ ‘Get Trump’ Playbook

Andrew L. Urban As of March 13, 2024, Donald Trump and Joe Biden are confirmed as the US presidential candidates, after the latest primaries. Don’t be surprised if the next anti-Trump scandal is set off with a manipulated or AI … Continue reading

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Dear Minister … dear indeed

We publish this letter in the interests of all Australians shocked by electricity costs. Dear Chris ‘Talmighty’ Bowen,  I write to let you know that I got my electricity bill last week. You shoulda seen it, mate! When I opened … Continue reading

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Navalny lives!

Andrew L. Urban Murdered to crush the spirit of freedom in Russia, Alexei Navalny’s death in a Siberian penal colony instead ignited a bonfire of determination that will not be extinguished. Navalny lives on as an eternal inspiration – more … Continue reading

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