Category Archives: Quotidian

Voter fraud? Yes it was – update

Andrew L. Urban Analysts in a new study say they can conclude that 28.2 % of respondents who voted by mail in the 2020 US presidential elections committed at least one type of behaviour that is “under most circumstances, illegal” … Continue reading

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Nurse Cathy’s welcome to country

Andrew L. Urban As the baby girl began her life-affirming cry on the birthing table in the hospital, nurse Cathy began to recite a welcome to country – much to the surprise of the new mother, a proud Aboriginal woman. … Continue reading

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The voter fraud that dare not speak its name

Andrew L. Urban According to recent polling around the consequential caucuses just held, some 80% of Iowa Republicans believe Joe Biden’s presidency is illegitimate due to voter fraud. What’s wrong with the other 20%, I wonder. But then Donald Trump … Continue reading

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Revealing rejections, creeping censorship

Andrew L. Urban “The other day I saw a news report in which a Palestinian woman in Gaza accused Hamas of taking all the aid delivered to Gaza “into their homes”. This was my rejected comment which I posted on the … Continue reading

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Incoherent Labor doesn’t know right from wrong – Greg Sheridan

The Australian’s foreign editor, GREG SHERIDAN, pulls no punches in a relentless critique of Labor’s chaotic, morally bankrupt recent behaviour; in this extract he takes aim at its foreign policy, national security and defence. 

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The high cost for the US & the world of shoehorning Biden into the Presidency

Andrew L. Urban Shoehorning? I’m sure you know what I mean. It is this: I do not believe that Biden’s basement-delivered campaign in the 2020 election resulted in his attracting more genuine votes than in 2012 had Barack Obama, patron … Continue reading

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A bomb wrapped as a gift: NO thanks

Andrew L. Urban It would have detonated, multiple times over a few years, as the Voice package, if accepted by Australians, shed its outer gift wrapping of recognition. Voters sensed the presence of something else within the package as they … Continue reading

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Welcome to a country of crony capitalism

Andrew L. Urban There’s a new welcome uttered around the Albanese government offices: ‘We acknowledge the fawning directors present and emerging of the corporations, sporting bodies, professional organisations and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, whose socio-political alignments with our Voice referendum … Continue reading

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The long term price of short term election rorting for America

Andrew L. Urban Warren Mundine and Alan Jones had just spoken as we broke for morning tea. It was November 4, 2020, and the fateful US Presidential election results were coming in. Several hundred attendees at the 2020 CPAC* in … Continue reading

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Jacinta’s priceless contribution to Australia’s future

Andrew L. Urban Making indigenous ministries and agencies redundant is the best ultimate objective for Australia’s future in the affairs of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander peoples. That is the most positive and attractive argument put by indigenous coalition Senator … Continue reading

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