Category Archives: Democracy and global warming policies

The weird and the fake taking your money

Andrew L. Urban Just after the COP28 (Nov. 30 – Dec. 12) orgy of climate alarmism began in Dubai, the Church of Scientology celebrated the Grand Opening (Dec. 5) in East Grinstead, England, of a brand new, purpose built 20,000 … Continue reading

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Consensus – a virus deadly to science

When you hear or read something from a credible scientist that resonates entirely with your own thinking about a subject, expressing everything you have developed as a point of view, it not only gives you the comfort of confidence. It … Continue reading

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Clouds are thermostats, CO2 is beneficial – Nobel winner

“This worry about CO2, the worry about methane, the worry about global warming, is all a total fabrication by shocked journalists and or dishonest politicians,” says Nobel Prize winning scientist JOHN F. CLAUSER, as he debunks the fossil fuel scaremongering.  … Continue reading

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Ian Plimer – climate facts for all ages

Using food, farts and facts, geology professor Ian Plimer has written three little books “aimed at parents and grandparents all over the world who might want to deprogram children from the barrage of propaganda that children are exposed to at … Continue reading

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The real reason behind our climate and energy policies – Malcolm Roberts

In a video speech of less than 11 minutes, at the 2023 Climate and Energy Forum held on February 2, 2023, in Sydney, Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts kicked the science crutch out from under the political imperative of the damaging … Continue reading

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CO2 emissions the ultimate straw man

Andrew L. Urban As the inevitably painful consequences of unfounded climate alarmism hit home with our very own energy crisis, Australians are entitled to point to our massive reserves of oil and coal and gas (and yes, uranium) and ask … Continue reading

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Emission reductions pointless – new book shows

What if you were told that all efforts at emission reduction were totally pointless – because those emissions have nothing to do with global warming? And what if you were told that this information is not revolutionary, but is well … Continue reading

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The sun, not fossil fuels, mostly affects climate

Extracts of Part VI of The Sun-Climate Effect paper by Javier Vinós & Andy May, published September 4, 2022 at (see extracts of part V) demonstrate not only the vast complexity of climate science, but also that decarbonisation of … Continue reading

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When dogma creates hubris and passes for climate science

by Dr Javier Vinós & Andy May The following are extracts from the paper The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (part V), as published in Judith Curry’s Climate Etc, published on August 28, 2022. The 1990s discovery of multidecadal … Continue reading

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Burning biomass fuels climate stupidity

Andrew L. Urban Some of us have always known that climate hysteria causes malfunctions in the brain. (The precise medical term is ‘Subject Specific Stupidity Syndrome’.) Here are a couple of examples confirming this, both from just one week in … Continue reading

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