A doom foretold

Andrew L. Urban

 The die was cast in the dodgyfication of the 2020 election, and as I anticipated back in November 2023, the shoehorning of Joe Biden into the White House is a chicken now coming home to roost.

 In the US presidential debate on Jun 27 in Atlanta, Georgia, Joe Biden’s humiliation was expected by everyone not in thrall of Democrat talking points about their mentally declining president.

To the apparent surprise of the supplicant media and Democrat sycophants, Donald Trump abided by the rules set down by the White House, rising to the occasion – and Joe Biden crumbled into semi-senility in front of the cameras.

Within hours the shell-shocked Democrats were openly talking about replacing Biden … but had no easy way to do it and no ready candidate to do it with.

The fiasco of Biden’s presidency had been bottled into a 90 minute debate. The ramifications will ripple towards the shores of history, with the Democrat party bobbing on its waves.

The Babylon Bee

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One Response to A doom foretold

  1. Pv says:

    Changing or creating statutes in law to change a misdemeanor to a felony by weapon osati on of the Justice system is a felony. It’s called perverting the course of Justice. Letting Biden off possible charges because he’s old and has a bad memory is another example . If he’s not competent to stand trial , he’s not competent to run a country !! All the colluding democrats should be charged !!!all !! If Trump does not seek revenge , he’s a better man than all of them . They should all all be expelled from the house , the senate ,and the judiciary as a minimum , and the public servants who aided and abetted should be jailed. Cleanse the place. ! I was convicted of a crime emanating from a room which didn’t exist so I know how easily corrupt lawyers can get a win , in spite of nil evidence.

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