About Democracy and Justice section

This section was introduced on January 9, 2014 to collate all relevant posts in the wake of the growing number of articles specifically about the Sue Neill-Fraser case, since July 2013.

As our interest intensified in that apparent miscarriage of justice and also in the broader aspects of miscarriages of justice, it became clear that readers interested in this subject would find it easier to locate the articles in this new section.

It hardly needs to be said that a sound democracy relies on a system of justice in which the citizens have absolute confidence. As William Blackstone (prominent 18th century English judge & jurist) said, “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.” This basic rule of justice essentially acknowledges that government committing a wrong under its official capacity is far worse than a private citizen doing so, undermining belief in and support for that government

Former High Court judge Michael Kirby has stated, “wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice haunt the conscience of a civilised society,” which is why a credible criminal justice system should always be eager to correct them – at the very least to properly examine cases where there is even a shadow of doubt.

In this section we will pursue this aspect of democracy and welcome your feedback.

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