Via Erika Olsen, Charge d’affaires, US Embassy, Canberra
January 29, 2025
Dear President Trump,
You are the only person on earth who could save the severe damage being done to western economies by the pursuit of politically motivated and mischievous policies under the guise of saving the planet from the effects of climate change caused by humans burning fossil fuels.
Your declaration that any warming is a part and parcel of natural climate vulnerability, not a result of human behaviour, would embolden leaders around the world to take action against the climate alarmists who are driving policy decisions.
The basic premise that CO2 in the atmosphere is harmful is false and has not been shown. I am sure incoming Energy Secretary Chris Wright could provide the necessary validation.
Cordially yours
Andrew L. Urban
Dear President Trump
I have been a wealthy man and now I am poor. My wife prays every day that somehow something will happen and we’ll have a new start. I’ve had 16 yrs in a row with almost insurmountable problems. Somehow , we are still breathing and still fighting for a little hope of progress . We are 76 years old and as you know , at this age we know that we may still have 10 yrs or 5 minutes. Whatever is gods will. ! We are disappointed in humanity at so many levels. I am a good person and I see bad people thriving. Please be careful Mr. president. What you say and do , can affect the lives of billions. It is a bad world at the moment , and bad people are winning. Covid revalued my commercial property holdings
To the point in some cases , where ALL our equity disappeared. You’ve been through tough times …… please consider good people in all that you do. Please don’t just dwell on the evil. Protect the innocent.
Earth atmosphere 78% nitrogen 21 % oxygen . Of the remaining 1% . Carbon dioxide is less than half. It was .01 % and is now .04% . Imagine what SFA actually means .Then come to terms .climate change , if there is any , is SFA ….a new method of measurement.