Category Archives: Democracy And Terrorism

Confessions of a 10 year old revolutionary

Andrew L. Urban As a 10 year old young ‘pioneer’ in communist controlled Hungary, I hated the red kerchief I was forced to wear under threat of my family’s safety. Every youngster was a ‘pioneer’ – the pathetic but compulsory … Continue reading

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UN turns blind eye to Nazi sympathisers at UNRWA – so does Australia

Beyond the Textbooks, a report by UN Watch, has exposed how UNRWA teachers incite Arab Palestinian children to antisemitism and terrorism, prompting the Australian Jewish Association (AJA) to call for the suspension of aid to UNRWA – for the second … Continue reading

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Kill Jews – the summer camp musical

Andrew L. Urban Lights, music … and guns, as dozens of school children armed with assault weapons enact a choreographed assault against imaginary Jews in an arena filled with many hundreds of spectators, comprising their parents, teachers and jihadists. The … Continue reading

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Islam causes mental illness

Andrew L. Urban. It seems that Islam is causing massive waves of mental illness around the world. If we collate the responses to Muslim terror attacks from a wide range of politicians – including leaders – commentators, journalists and security … Continue reading

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Laws must change to protect us

Andrew L. Urban. If our existing laws can not protect us from harm, we must make new laws that can. Terrorists, even those known to law enforcement authorities, are able to strike at innocent citizens, whether in a cafe with … Continue reading

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As UNHRC member we should not reward terrorists

By Andrew L. Urban. Now that Australia is to be a card carrying member of the UN’s Human Rights Council from January 2018 (alongside Cuba, China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, etc) we can stop smirking and actually do something useful … Continue reading

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Take from terrorists what they care about

Andrew L. Urban Home grown terrorists in the West are difficult to detect and suppress. Many jihadists welcome death as martyrdom, leaving security forces without a practical threat. So what leverage do we have? Could a US Red Beret, Terry … Continue reading

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The peaceful majority are irrelevant

By Andrew L. Urban. Islam has exported its primitive, age-old and endless Sunni v Shiite war of religious violence around the world, expanding it with jihad, the violent conquest of non believers. The uninformed rubbish many Western politicians and commentators … Continue reading

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An insult to intelligence of Muslims

By Andrew L. Urban. It’s an insult to the intelligence of Muslims, frankly to all of us, to keep claiming that terrorism today is not linked to Muslim migration, as the ASIO director General, Duncan Lewis has, in a Senate … Continue reading

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Why the West is lost

By Andrew L. Urban. The shimmering mirage of an enlightened age across the West is shattered now, and it is largely due to our society’s overly generous, tolerant and peace loving nature. I wouldn’t call it a self inflicted demise … Continue reading

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