Category Archives: Democracy and global warming policies

How we fool ourselves: scientific consensus building

Judith Curry* “Like a magnetic field that pulls iron filings into alignment, a powerful cultural belief is aligning multiple sources of scientific bias in the same direction,” says policy scientist Daniel Sarewitz. Statistician Regina Nuzzo summarizes the problem. “This is … Continue reading

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Democracy needs the power of truth

Andrew L. Urban Information is power – and democracy needs the power of truth to fight the onslaught of authoritarian urges and ruling orthodoxies, such as the fanatical global warming aka climate change movement. Media has collectively failed democracies in … Continue reading

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What does this latest ‘climate emergency’ look like?

Andrew L. Urban It is a wonder of the modern world how climate alarmists can still conjure up a climate emergency in 2021 after 30 years of climate emergency, predicated on fossil fuels like carbon dioxide warming the planet – … Continue reading

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Climate change the facts 2020 – bad science = bad policy

Andrew L. Urban While bad science and bad public policy may be overturned in a democracy in the long run, they can inflict a great deal of harm in the short term, as authors of one of the key chapters … Continue reading

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Most climate alarms are scaremongering say geoscientists

Back in 2010, 43 Fellows of the Royal Society wrote to its then president, Paul Nurse, to complain about the unscientific tone of the society’s messages on climate change. Eight years later, a group of 33 current and former Fellows of … Continue reading

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Apocalypse tomorrow, maybe?

Andrew L. Urban. Once upon a time, many climate conferences ago (another 120 are scheduled for January 2021 alone, according to World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology), Al ‘Almost-president’ Gore warned us of an impending “tipping point” in global … Continue reading

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NY resolution: No More Mr Science Guy

Andrew L. Urban. My New Year’s resolution for 2021 is to abandon reason and real science when debunking climate alarmist voodoo, and apply my own witchcraft (eg ridicule) to repel the warped gospel of The Church of Climate Change (CCC). … Continue reading

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Clinging to the science that isn’t there

Andrew L. Urban. So many alarmists, so few truths. They cling to the man-made climate warming mantra that ‘The Science” is unequivocal and settled, with some commentators and activists trying to contrast the global response to the coronavirus with the … Continue reading

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Left-leaning leaders doom their parties

Andrew L. Urban. The evidence is in. Jeremy Corbyn has done as Malcolm Turnbull almost did and Bill Shorten definitely did and Anthony Albanese is now doing: destroy the governing prospects of their parties – by leaning too far left. … Continue reading

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Climate change – as it really is

Andrew L. Urban. The most important and useful essay this year on climate change is an op-ed by Dr Judith Curry writing for a Madrid paper coinciding with COP25, the UN Climate Change Conference this week in Madrid. Not only … Continue reading

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